Lesson Packs

CBD Exp – 2hrs


This is a manual driving experience in the hustle and bustle of the busy Melbourne City Centre (Central Business District – CBD).

The 2hr lesson is picking you up from home, driving on a major road into the city, followed by driving around the inner city and then sufficient time to drive back to your home via the Freeway.

This experience will cover Hook Turns, Super Tram Stops, One Way Streets, 40kph City Zone Speed Limit, heavily populated pedestrian traffic, quick moving high volume vehicle movement and Freeway.

COVERAGE: At present we cover from Toorak to Knox and Box Hill South to Heatherton & the suburbs in between.

PAYMENT: Payment is required at pick up time, prior to the commencement of the lesson. This can be Cash, Direct Bank Transfer (BSB: 083-004 A/C No.: 505 094 735 REF: Students Name).

Purchases with Visa or Mastercard cannot be done in the vehicle. We only accept this type of payment with purchases from our website: ManualDrivingMadeEasy.com.au/lesson-packs/ (Credit Card Surcharge applies)

All purchases expire at the completion of 12mths.

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