Lesson Packs

Test Route Lesson – 2hrs


This is a package of a 2hr manual driving lesson covering the tricky aspects of the numerous test routes which could easily cause you a critical error or immediate failure.

We only cover the following VicRoads for Tests: Ringwood, Heatherton & Dandenong.

This price includes picking you up from home, travelling to the VicRoads Testing area and covering the numerous test routes and then returning to your home.

COVERAGE: At present we cover from Toorak to Knox and Box Hill South to Heatherton & the suburbs in between.

PAYMENT: Payment is required at pick up time, prior to the commencement of the lesson. This can be Cash, Direct Bank Transfer (BSB: 083-004 A/C No.: 505 094 735 REF: Students Name).

Purchases with Visa or Mastercard cannot be done in the vehicle. We only accept this type of payment with purchases from our website: ManualDrivingMadeEasy.com.au/lesson-packs/ (Credit Card Surcharge applies)

All purchases expire at the completion of 12mths.

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