Teaching My Child How To Drive
This is a plan to assist both Learner and Supervising Driver to cover all aspects of driving knowledge and experiences to help prepare the Learner to be a safe driver whilst learning and after they have passed their drive test and driving solo.
We all want our children to be safe on the road and learn good habits while learning during that two year period leading up to their licence test so that they stay safe when you’re no longer sitting next to them and they are on their own.
We have all spend many years in the education system (Primary/Secondary School/University) learning but does everyone treat learning to drive a motor vehicle with the same commitment and importance. Remember when driving a vehicle, you are driving a lethal weapon in which you can kill or be killed. Please put the time and effort into learning how to keep safe while driving.
Access to this information for both the Learner & Supervising Driver is at mylearners.vic.gov.au